Matt + Maggie’s Princeton, NJ Wedding… Destination

I was only home for 3 days from the south pacific before I flew out to Princeton New Jersey with my mom for Matt & Maggie’s wedding. My mom went out there as a guest, but she ended up working as my assistant and chauffeur. I have to say, having an assistant is great, but having my mom as my assistant is even better! It was like she could read my mind. She knew what I needed before I even knew I needed it. I was always properly hydrating and fed! I could not have done it with out her! Thanks mom!!

Matt and Maggie, who you might remember from here, got married at a beautiful country club in Trenton, which made for some really nice shots in front of the clubhouse, which was this old enormous colonial building that looked like the house from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I have never had so much fun at a wedding. They sure do things right on the East Coast. Thank you so much Matt & Maggie for flying me out there to capture your special day! Here are some favorites from the day!

my two favorite photos from this wedding are the last one on the post and the one above! in the picture above i was trying to channel Jasmin Star.

and my other favorite of the night!