Baby Emery @ 23 days old… {San Diego Wedding Photographer}

I met Ricky and Tyne in our North Coast young married growth group about two years ago! The four of us hit it off really quick and Tyne and I became inseparable. I love these two so much. They are such awesome, Godly people! Unfortunately, life got really busy and the time we were able to hang out with them became less and less. I think Tyne and I will always be friends. She is the kind of person that you can pick up right you left off, as if no time has even passed. Christian and I actually hung out with them the day they found out about Emmy and I couldn’t have been more excited for them. Tyne was so excited, that she went out and bought bedding for a boy and bedding for a girl, not know what they were having. I cannot believe they have baby Emmy now. She is just the cutest thing…. As Tyne would say she is “Presh” as in precious! And she is!!!