Ryan + Melissa {engagement session}…

I have known Ryan my entire life. I think my mom became best friends with his mom when I was 2 and my brother 4. It was perfect because Ryan was the same age as my brother and I was the same age as his younger brother. Oh the stories I have! Growing up we were constantly together; from lazy summer days playing Mario on Nintendo (of course I was hanging around because I was the younger annoying sister) to family vacations. But I will spare Ryan any embarrassing stories, like the one I heard a few years ago when he sunk his moms jeep in the Mexican ocean. What? Oops!!

Anyway, when I got into photography Janet, Ryan’s mom, always said how she couldn’t wait for me to photograph one of the boys weddings. But I didn’t actually think it would happen. So I was super excited when I found out Ryan asked Melissa to marry him after what seemed like forever and they wanted to use me! I had so much fun at our engagement session. I really got to know Melissa and she is hilarious… I kind of feel like she is my other half! I am so happy for Ryan! He is getting an awesome girl! Can’t Wait for the wedding!