Tara + Adams Engagement Session…

When i first met with Tara we sat over Starbucks and she gushed about Adam who was currently serving overseas with the military. She talked about the difficulties planning the wedding via skype, but how it would all be worth it when he came home and they could get married! Just as out meeting ended her phone rang and it was Adam! Since he is abroad she never knows when she is going to hear from her, needles to say it brought her to tears. I was so excited when i left because i knew the next time i saw Tara she would be glowing with excitement to have Adam by her side. And i was right. We shot their engagement session just a couple weeks ago; Adam literally just got to town! But we did it just in time for their wedding this weekend at The Bahia. We also had the other man in Taras life, her son, David in the some of their shots too! So check out what we got from our session at Balboa Park!