Tis’ the season…

Merry Christmas! I am blogging during my breaks in opening present with different family members! I am very very blessed! I received more than i could ever have imagined or deserve! My favorite gift was my old Raggity Anne dress. When i was a kid i carried around my Raggedy Ann doll like Linus wit his blanket. Sucking my thumb and rubbing her dress on my lip. That thing was filthy. My parents tried so hard to get me to stop, i think i was like 6 by then, but i wouldn’t let them have it! So one night when i was sleeping my parents took her from me and threw her out 🙁 keeping the her little dress for me as a way to wean me off of her. I carried around that dress everywhere, then one day it was gone. My parents had taken it away as an attempt to try and get me from sucking, which didn’t really change anything! Anyway, my mom recently came upon the dress and showed it to me, i put Sophie in it and it looked adorable! Today my last gift, after a ridiculous amount of loot, was a tiny faded dress in a shadow box. It was Raggedy Ann’s Dress. My eyes welled up… by far my favorite Christmas gift this year!