Madison + Tuxedo

My brother and sister-in-law rescued another dog! I have previously posted about Madison and ever since they have gotten her my brother has wanted to get her a friend, but the time was never quite right. Over the past few months i received a number of emails from him with the subject line, “look at this one” and “maybe another Greenberg?”. Brad had been on pet finder and falling in love with puppy after puppy. I told him he was torturing himself. It was so hard for me to look at all these beautiful abandoned animals knowing there was nothing i could do to help them. I don’t understand how some people can be so careless. A lot of the dogs had URGENT notices because they were in danger of being euthanized. 🙁 It makes me so sad. One day i am going to buy a farm and rescue as many dogs as my land can hold. Anyway, Brad stumbled on Tuxedo, who he thought was a Pekegnese, but is actually Japenese Chin. It turns out Tuxedos family had become homeless and living out of their car for a few weeks before they decided it would be better for Tuxedo to have someone who could take care of him, so like responsible people, they took him to a rescue to be adopted, instead of just abonding him like some inconsiderate people do! Bob barker got it right, “Have you pets spayed and nuetered” and PLEASE adopt dogs from shelters, you will be saving their lives!

Click on Madison or Tuxedos name to become friends with them on facebook!