B + C’s Excellent Adventure……. South Pacific!

Traveling is something I will never take for granted. I treasure every trip I’ve ever taken and I hope to be lucky enough to take be able to take a trip every couple years for the rest of my life. If I could spend all my money on one thing in the world it would probably be that. I hadn’t don’t much traveling before I met Christian; just a few trips to Europe. One to Eastern Europe for a missions trip and the other with my two best friends to France, Italy and Spain after college graduation. Christian and I have made it a goal to see the whole world. Christian is a little bit of a gypsy at heart. If he could, he would go live in a random country and work in a coffee shop and every few months go explore a new city. There is just so much out there to see and do! Traveling opens your eyes to worlds and cultures you never knew existed. As Americans, we are so incredibly blessed, yet take for granted so much. It never occurs to us that the water from the faucet might not be safe to drink or our trash won’t get picked up on Thursday morning or the ambulance won’t arrive within minutes of being called. So many people go without these basic services, yet wake up every morning grateful for what they do have and happy to be alive. Observing other cultures teaches us how to truly appreciate life. It shows us how to not sweat the small stuff. Its a gift you can only get by getting outside and visiting these not-so-far away lands. I am SO grateful for what I have experienced and the people we have met while traveling. And hopefully soon we will be writing about our next adventure!

On August 1, 2010 Christian and I set out for an amazing 3 week adventure to the South Pacific. We went to New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. I have so many photos I want to share, but i don’t want to inundate the main page of my blog with all our photos. So if you are interested in hearing about our trip and seeing our photos…… click on the names below to take you to their page.

New Zealand



For now, here are my favorite photos from each country……

Auckland, NZ Aug 4, 2010

Sydney, AUS Aug 20, 2010

Waya Island, Fiji Aug 18, 2010