Where would I be w/out my mom…..

Since i will be traveling to Denver for an engagement session this weekend, this is coming a little early.

Happy Mother’s day out there to all the mothers i have photographed and all the ones who read my blog. (I act like i have a ton of readers 🙂 ) Mothers are so important. Clearly without our mothers, who carried us for nine months we would not be here today… and yes our dads had something to do with it too, but this is a mothers day post.

I am blessed to have the most amazing mom ever! She is my best friend in the whole world. She would take the clothes of her back for me, and she often has 🙂 . I could go on and on about why she is so amazing, what she has taught me and what she does for others, but that would probably embarrass her and since she doesn’t like being the center of attention, this blog post is probably making her feel embarrassed as it is. Mom, i just want to thank you for the years of shoulders to cry on, ears to listen, support you gave, hours you slaved in the kitchen to prepare comfort food, the fun times of shopping and sharing clothes, trips to wherever, the heart you have shown me through serving others and the thought you put into everything you do for us. I love you so much mom! Thanks for everything! You Love is a personification of what god says love should be:

Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous; is not proud; is not conceited; does not act foolishly; is not selfish; is not easily provoked to anger; keeps no record of wrongs; takes no pleasure in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. ~I Corinthians 13:4-7

Now, i am also a mother as well. To the most amazing fur baby in the entire world! My mom usually buys me gifts and says they are from Sophie, but this year, while shopping in Long Beach, i came across an artist and immediately knew what i wanted for mother’s day! Heather Kent creates these ridiculously cute necklaces and i saw she does custom designs for a few extra dollars, so i contacted her, gave her a bunch of pictures of Sophie and explained to her exactly what i wanted. I saw other ones she had done of people’s dogs and they were like head shots. I told her i liked that, but i didn’t want it to be like i was wearing a picture of my dog around my neck, rather a cute piece of art with Sophie in it. This is what she came up with, it is seriously the best Mother’s day gift ever!!!! Check out her blog and buy her work on Etsy, I know i will be buying a few more necklaces soon!

Heather Kent Blog

Etsy site!