More than just a dog….

Have you been looking for a pet photographer here locally in San Diego? I have been taking pet photos for nearly tens years. Please have a look at some of my animal photography sessions in the categories section.

For those of you who don’t know, Sophie is the other love in my life. She came at a time I really needed her…..

I didn’t grow up with a lot of friends and when my best friend of 16 years, my Pekingese dog, died I was beside myself. We had been preparing for this for a while and it was definitely time for him to run in the golden fields of heaven, but this came very shortly after the sudden loss of our 7 year old Shih-tzu. This was a shock. Both Mogly and Gizmo where the best dogs a child could ask for. Our world was rocked and in a few months our life was changed. I know that sounds dramatic, but animals really have an affect on peoples lives. These two were not just my dogs, but also my brothers. Along with everyone else in the theater I cried as I watched “Marley and Me”. I held my moms hand and was reminded of all the amazing times I had with Gizmo and Mogly and what it felt like as I waited in the Vets room in those final minutes. They hold a very special place in my heart and will never be forgotten.

In 2005, while I was on a mission trip in Romania, a friend of my moms decided she was going to lobby for me to get a dog. Linda told my mom, “You need to get Bethann another dog….She needs something to make her happy…. She needs something to take care of”. My parents didn’t ever think another dog could take the place of our previous ones and couldn’t imagine going through that loss one day again. Linda told my mom there was a dog she was interested in seeing and wanted my mom to join her, knowing that my mom would fall in love. And she did! What they didn’t expect is that my dad would fall in love with two other ones. So it began again…. three puppies.

When my parents picked me up at the airport they had a surprise for me waiting in the car. One by one my dad pulled these little puppies out of one kennel; it was like clowns getting out of the clown car. He introduced me to Harley and I screamed (as I usually do when I am excited). Then he pulled out Simon, again I screamed. And hiding in the back, scared by my screaming, was this tiny little baby! My baby! She fit in my hands as I cupped them together for her. It was love at first sight.

Sophie Loren Elizabeth Taylor Greenberg Ulloa, but we call her Sophie for short. She has more nicknames then I can count. She is a Peki-Chi, which is a Pekingese Chihuahua mix. So she has the size of a Chihuahua and the temperament of a Pekingese. She is laid-back, calm and will sleep in till noon if you let her. She is able to calm my anxiety and I just got her registered at a service dog. She is the best!

Here are some photos of Sophie, her Brother Harley and her boyfriend Simon.

This is in 2005 when they were puppies. Simon was so cute, he looked like a little alien. Harley was an adorable ball of fur and sophie looked like a something from the rodent family.⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

Most recently at last Christmas in 2009⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

Sophie reminds me a lot of Mort from Madagascar, except she has more than one tooth. ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

And my old loves…..⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

Here is a photo of my adorable niece, Madison Animal.This is my favorite photo of her! If you think she is cute, become her friend on facebook.

I have a bunch of short clips of the dogs as puppies. They are all taken with the video camera on my point and shoot, so its not the best quality. Here is a super cute one of Harley (the ball of fur running around) going crazy. Unfortunately, every time i would go and get my camera would be on the tail end of whatever cute thing they were doing 🙁


This one is the first time Sophie noticed her reflection. This was when her ears were trying to figure out if they were going to go up or down. They ended up down, but it was an awkward phase she doesn’t like to talk about.
