Baby Alex…. 6 Weeks old {San Diego Wedding Photographer}

So Alexandra is the adorable 6 week baby of my friend Rhian. When Rhian got married she and her hubs moved to Canada and I don’t get to see her much. Although, now that she has had Alex and all of her family is here, I am hoping I will get to see her a lot more. Here are some shots of Alex. My favorites are the ones where she is sleeping. She is just so precious. The next time I will see Rhian, Alex will be 6 months old and we will defiantly get more photos then! I can’t wait to see how her features develop. I am sure she will look totally different.

Anatomy of a yawn…⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓