Welcome Baby Sydney…3 weeks old… {San Diego Newborn Photography}

I have been married now for almost two years. People ask me all the time “when are you guys going to have children?” Its funny, when you are dating the question is always, “when are you guys going to get married?” and then once you are married the question is, “when are you guys going to have kids?” I don’t really have a definitive answer for that. I don’t know if I even have that maternal instinct. When I see a baby I think, “look how precious he or she is”, but I don’t feel a desire to run and hold the baby. Everyone says that all changes once you have children, but since I obviously won’t know until that happens, we are choosing to wait. At least until we know where we are going to be living and have our feet firmly planted on the ground. We are at a very transitional point in our “adult” lives and I don’t feel things are quite yet stable enough to bring a child into it. Not to mention, I think Christian and I both enjoy being selfish. We want to travel the world a little more and just spend time with each other before we have to worry about someone else. I know God will change my heart one day and give me the grace I need to raise a child. Until then, I am perfectly happy with my fur baby, Sophie!

Rob and Katie on the other hand were ready! Sydney is so precious. I do love that about babies. They are so tiny and precious and pure, oh and smell so sweet! She was actually an overdue baby. She was so comfortable in Katie’s belly. She decided to wait until Katie’s birthday to give her the best present, minus the pain of labor, she could have! Sydney was three weeks old when we took these pictures and was a great model! We kept her warm and full and we got some fun shots with her.

We will try the tutu again next time Katie!