New Zealand

New Zealand is beautiful; so lush and green. We started in Auckland, which by Kiwi standards is their largest city. EVERYONE smokes there! I think I second had smoked, 2 packs a day. While we were there we headed to Waheki island, which is usually very tropical, but this time of year was very cold and rainy. Although, I could see how amazing it must be during their summer. After Auckland we headed to the snow in Queenstown.

This was a beautiful, serene little ski town. Funny with it being so serene because it is called the adrenaline capital on New Zealand. There is everything there from Jet boating, to skeletoning down the mountain, snowboarding, skydiving, river rafting and bungee jumping (which is actually where bungee jumping was invented), I am sure there were more things to do, but I can’t think of them all right now. We did the jet boating (click on the word to learn more about jet boating), which I didn’t think was all that great and was overpriced. After that Christian went Bungee jumping off “The Ledge”. The ledge is one of the three jumps you can do in Queenstown and it is the only one that harnesses you by the waist so you can freestyle with your jump. It overlooks the town and it’s even spookier to do it at night, which is when C did his jump. The Ledge has the highest back out rate of all the jumps. The next day we went snowboarding, which was a trip to do because at the time my parents were out in Lake Havasu water skiing and here we are in freezing weather.

We both agreed that Queenstown was our favorite city in New Zealand. Although we wanted to see Christchurch, our plane out of Queenstown was rerouted and we ended up getting into Christchurch and only having enough time to sleep and wake up at 3:30am to get on a 6am flight to Melbourne.

Photos were taken with my D700 and Christian Sony point and shoot.

There are also some videos from our camera, Christian is not the best cameraman, so if you have a weak stomach, you might not want to watch….


This is the tallest building in the southernn hemisphere. C did not want to lean against the glass!

Flying over the alps to Queenstown!

That water was freezing! On a side note, NZ has the best tap water. Better than starbucks water. Wonder if this is where it comes from?

The only Kiwi we saw 🙁


jet boat

on the way up before the big jump…..



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