
Australia was great. Not really what I expected though. On one had I thought it was going to be super beachy. People walking around with surfboards and such and on the other hand I thought we were going to see Crocodiles everywhere. I am sure those areas are in Australia, just not where we went. We started out in Melbourne, which is an amazing artsy city, with a great urban vibe. It has great public transportation and great restaurants. It reminded me a lot of Europe (its called the most European city in Australia) San Francisco and New York City all in one. We loved it there!

We next headed to Cairns, where we hoped for warm weather, except the weather didn’t get nice until our last day there. While in Cairns we visited a little town called Kuranda that is in the middle of the rainforest. The rainforest was MASSIVE and we took a gondola from Cairns up to Kuranda and were able to see the amazing canopy from above. Once we got into Kuranda, we went for a hike through the rainforest. The weather was starting to turn for the better and Christian went snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef the next day, while I laid out at the beach!

After Cairns we went to Figi and then we came back to Sydney. Sydney was a really cool city. Not as easy to get around as Melbourne, so we walked all day long. It was quite surreal to see the Sydney Opera house in person. I mean this is something I have seen in pictures, but never thought I would see in real life. We were lucky enough to see an opera while we were there. If you’re a student and you go an hour before the show, they will sell you whatever tickets are left for $50 a ticket. We ended up getting Premier $300 seats! I think I like musicals better than operas. They seem to have more action.

Photos were taken with my D700 and Christian Sony point and shoot.

There are also some videos from our camera, Christian is not the best cameraman, so if you have a weak stomach, you might not want to watch….

Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne

Suga is just like the place Christian i went to in Barcelona! Really yummy hard candy!

Childrens toys. Complete with Beer.

Pancake Parlour is AMAZING!!!! I wanted to bring home the super cute mug! Want to open one up here!

down at St. Kilda


Of course i had to bring a Harley shirt back for dad

Luna Park


Cairns, AUS

I was super excited to go to the warm weather and go swimming! Except it turns out that your cant swim in the beaches in Cairns unless they have Croc nets up and it wasn’t really that warm. Atleast not until the last day we were there.

This is what happens at low tide. it goes out like 200 yeards.

Ya, those are croc prints! CREEPY!

Croc in the jungle!

On the Sky Rail on the way up to Koranda.

At the top of the rainforest

korundagreat barrier reef

“Its the Greet Barrier Reef mate!”-Mark


It was so confusing with people driving on the left hand side of the road to figure out which direction to look when you cross the street. In Sydney, they tell you which way to look!

Christian took this with the point and shoot cameras pano mode.

Crazy, wild birds.

Bondi Beach

We saw an Opera @ The Sydney Opera House! $300 seats for $50 each!

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